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  SITE INDEX:    Lessons learned bulletins   -   International collaborations -   Seveso inspection series  -   Common inspection criteria  -  
Good practice exchanges
  -   Special studies and reports   -   Covid-19   -   Substances  -  Accident analysisSeveso implementation   -    Capacity building   -   Guidance for Seveso Directive implementation  -   Land-use planning  -    MAPP/Safety Management Systems (SMS)   -    Safety reports   -   Seveso inspections   -   Scientific articles  -   IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin articles

Recent  JRC publications on Chemical and Natech Accident Risk


New Chemical Accident Risk Management Publications


Learning from accidents in waste management facilities -
Lessons learned summary report


Management of Contractors -
Common Inspection Criteria


Internal Emergency Planning - Common Inspection Criteria (html)  



Natech Risk Management


Necci, A. and Krausmann, E., 2022.
Natech risk management - Guidance for operators of hazardous industrial sites and national authorities


Krausmann, E. and Necci, A. 2021.
Thinking the unthinkable: A perspective on Natech risks and Black Swans


Natech Risk Management -
Common Inspection Criteria


  Selected recent publications





Lessons Learned from accidents involving …

Issue 1

Hydrogen (en pdf / html ), Wasserstoff (de pdf)

Issue 2

Contractors (en pdf / html), Fremdfirmenmitarbeitern (de), antreprenori(ro),
ონტრაქტორებს (ქა) კ,المقاولين (عربى)

Issue 3

Impact to the environment (en pdf / html), Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt (de),
impact semnificativ pentru mediu (ro), მნიშვნელოვანი გავლენა გარემოს ((ქა),
تأثير كبير على البيئة (عربى)

Issue 4

Corrosion-related accidents in petroleum oil refineries (en pdf / html), Korrosionsbedingte Unfälle in Erdölraffinerien (de)

Scientific report:  Corrosion-Related Accidents in Petroleum Refineries: Lessons Learned from Accidents in EU and OECD Countries

Issue 5

Fertilizers (en pdf / html), Düngemitteln (de), îngrășăminte(ro), სასუქები (ქა), ا لأسمدة (عربى)

Issue 6

Natech accidents (en pdf / html), Natech-Unfälle (de), accidente Natech (ro),
Natech ავარიების (ქა), من الحوادث Natech (عربى)

Issue 7

Ageing (en pdf / html), Alterung (de), veroudering (nl), îmbătrânirea populației (ro), მოძველებული (ქა),  ب الشيخوخة (عربى)

Issue 8

Explosives (en pdf / html), Explosivstoffen (de), Explosieven (nl)

Issue 9

Runaway reactions (en pdf / html), runaway reacties (nl)


Emergency response series (ER)

Issue 10

ER1 Evacuation and sheltering  (en pdf / html),  ER1 Leerpunten van incidentbestrijding – Evacuatie en schuilen (nl)

Issue 11

ER2 Firefighter preparedness and protection (en pdf / html), ER2 – Leerpunten van incidentbestrijding –Voorbereiding en bescherming van de brandweer (nl)

Issue 12

ER3 Emergency response failures and successes (en pdf / html), ER3 Leerpunten van incidentbestrijding – Mislukte en geslaagde incidentbestrijding (nl)


Chinese edition 中文版


Selected Lessons Learned Analyses in Chinese (MAHB简报3-1_in Chinese), 用中文学习中文

Issue 13

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) on fixed sites (en pdf / htmlLeren van incidenten met vloeibaar aardgas
(LNG) op vaste locaties (nl)

Issue 14

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) (en  pdf /  html(Leren van incidenten met tot vloeistof verdicht gas (LPG)(nl))

Special Issue
Covid-19 #1

Pandemic Measures and Chemical Process Safety (en  pdf / html疫情应对措施和化工过程安全 (中文) Pandemische maatregelen en chemische procesveiligheid (nl) Środki na wypadek pandemii i bezpieczeństwo procesów chemicznych (pl)

Special Issue
Covid-19 #2

Risk of oxygen fires in hospitals treating Covid-19 patients (en pdf / html)
Risico op zuurstofgerelateerde branden in ziekenhuizen waar patiënten met COVID-19 worden behandeld (nl) Ryzyko powstania pożarów związanych z obecnością tlenu w szpitalach leczących pacjentów z Covid-19 (pl)

Issue 15

Learning from incidents involving power supply failures (en pdf / html) Leren van incidenten met storingen in de stroomvoorziening (nl)

Issue 16

Learning from incidents in warehouses (en pdf / html)

Issue 17

Learning from accidents in waste management facilities (en pdf / html)



Links to these publications can also be found in html form with checklist questions on the Seveso Inspection Series webpage

Common Inspection Criteria

  • No. 1  Safety Instrumented Functions (en pdfhtml) - Risikominderung unter Verwendung von sicherheitstechnischen Funktionen ( de)
  • No. 2  Permit-to-Work (en pdf / html)
  • No. 3  Internal Audit (en pdf / html) - Interne Audit Procedures ( nl)
  • No. 4  Process Hazard Analysis (en pdf / html)
  • No. 5  Management of Change (en pdf / html)
  • No. 6  Emergency Isolation Systems (en pdf / html)
  • No. 7  Process Safety Performance Monitoring (en pdf / html)
  • No. 8  Pressure Relief Systems (en pdf / html)
  • No. 9  Maintenance of Primary Containment Systems (en pdf / html)
    Webinar report: Ageing and Primary Containment Maintenance 2022
  • No. 10 Natech Risk Management (en pdf / html)
  • No. 11 Training of Personnel (en pdf / html)
  • No. 12 Internal Emergency Planning (en pdf / html)
  • No. 13 Management of Contractors (en pdf / html)
  • No. 14 Avoiding Ignition Sources (en pdf / html)

Good Practice Reports

  • Vol. 8 - Explosive and Pyrotechnic Sites ( pdf / html)
  • Vol. 9 -  Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) sites ( pdf / html)
  • Vol. 10 - Process Safety Performance Indicators ( pdf /  html)


Covid-19 and chemical process safety


Seveso implementation

Capacity building for chemical accident prevention and preparedness

Accident analysis and investigation

Accident Analysis Benchmarking Exercise:  Project Report


Land-Use Planning

MAPP/Safety Management Systems

Safety Reports

Seveso Inspections

For Seveso Legislation text, see the DG ENV Seveso webpage at: 


IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin Articles