What We Do
We provide policy support and perform application-oriented research on the control of major industrial hazards involving dangerous substances with a focus on accident analysis and risk assessment for protection of humans, the environment and critical infrastructures. We are a central point for exchange and dissemination of research, events, and policy trends. Together with our network of partners and key stakeholders, we identify critical needs and emerging trends in industrial accidents with important implications for European Union and its economic interests. We play a key role in producing common guidelines, standards and management practices for regulators and industry across Europe as well as internationally. We are also a strong contributor to the development of interoperable systems for defining and analysing risks across geographic areas and industries.

In addition, MAHB’s unique experience in working with different cultures and countries in policy implementation for controlling risks makes it a highly sought-after resource for building institutional and technical capacity for neighbouring countries and emerging economies further abroad. MAHB scientific staff are experts in chemical process safety management and risk analysis for designing prevention and mitigation control measures. This is a multi-disciplinary field that draws from the disciplines of chemical and mechanical engineering, physical chemistry, mathematics and statistics, human factors and organizational psychology, land-use planning and vulnerability assessment.
Accident Data Management Systems and Analysis
We study past accidents to understand causal trends and consequences of hemical accidents. Our efforts are supported by our in-house online data management and reporting system, e-MARS, through which Member States report accident events to the European Commission as required under the Seveso II Directive.
Risk Assessment Methodologies and Tools
MAHB is highly engaged in improving tools interoperability in the area of risk analysis for prevention of major chemical incidents. In particular MAHB supports the development of the use of common data exchange formats for data on risk sources, risk frequencies and geographic areas of mapping and analytical information systems that use these formats.
Technical Support to EU Chemical Accident Prevention and Preparedness Policy
MAHB has supported European legislation aimed at the prevention of major accidents involving dangerous substances since the first Seveso Directive became effective in 1982 The current Seveso II Directive (96/82/EC-effective 1997) continues to serve as a model of progressive legislation in industrial accident prevention - performance-based, substancedriven with a proportional risk-based approach. We conduct analyses & manages expert groups on specific subjects to improve the knowledge base of industrial risk, refine implementation and enforcement strategies and tools used by EU competent authorities, and adapt future policy and legislation to market-driven changes (e.g., new products) & technical progress.