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Chemical accident information for preventing accidents

Go to Lessons Learned Bulletin publications list

Also see:

Table of selected accident analysis methodologies
Accident analysis methods - scientific literature
List of open source chemical accident databases
List of open sources of chemical accident investigation reports and analyses
Links to conference and symposium series with lessons learned case studies

Learning lessons from accidents to prevent future accidents

The JRC is uniquely positioned to contribute new information to the existing knowledgebase that supports chemical accident prevention and preparedness. One key advantage is that the JRC manages the eMARS major accident database, a collection of industrial accident reports, including all major industrial accidents reported to the JRC by Member States under the current and prior Seveso Directives since 1984. The eMARS database is one of only five open source lessons learned databases for industrial accidents in the world and covers the most diverse geographic area of all of them, including reports submitted by voluntary agreement by non-EU/EFTA members of the OECD and, starting 2013, UNECE. With this unique advantage MAHB’s research focuses on lessons learned studies to understand causes and trends in industrial accidents in the EU and worldwide as an aid to enforcement and monitoring national authorities and also as a general contribution to the study of industrial risks.

JRC Lessons Learned Bulletins

Publication of the MAHB's Lessons Learned Bulletins stems directly from the Seveso II Directive in that the ultimate purpose of sharing reports of major accidents to the eMARS database to disseminate lessons learned. As such MAHB intends that the bulletin will over time be considered a useful source for competent authorities and operators on accident causes.


Lessons Learned from accidents involving …

Issue 1

Hydrogen (en pdf / html), Wasserstoff (de)

Issue 2

Contractors (en pdf / html), Fremdfirmenmitarbeitern (de)antreprenori(ro)
ონტრაქტორებს (ქა)კ,المقاولين (عربى)

Issue 3

Impact to the environment (en pdf / html), Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt (de)
impact semnificativ pentru mediu (ro)მნიშვნელოვანი გავლენა გარემოს ((ქა)
تأثير كبير على البيئة (عربى)

Issue 4

Corrosion-related accidents in petroleum oil refineries (en pdf / html), Korrosionsbedingte Unfälle in Erdölraffinerien (de)

Issue 5

Fertilizers (en pdf / html), Düngemitteln (de)îngrășăminte(ro)სასუქები (ქა), الأسمدة (عربى)

Issue 6

Natech accidents (en pdf / html), Natech-Unfälle (de)accidente Natech (ro)
Natech ავარიების (ქა)من الحوادث Natech (عربى)

Issue 7

Ageing (en pdf / html), Alterung (de), veroudering (nl)îmbătrânirea populației (ro)მოძველებული (ქა),  بالشيخوخة (عربى)

Issue 8

Explosives (en pdf / html), Explosivstoffen (de)Explosieven (nl)

Issue 9

Runaway reactions (en pdf / html), runaway reacties (nl)


Emergency response series (ER)

Issue 10

ER1 Evacuation and sheltering  (en pdf / htmlER1 Leerpunten van incidentbestrijding – Evacuatie en schuilen (nl)

Issue 11

ER2 Firefighter preparedness and protection (en pdf / html)  ER2 – Leerpunten van incidentbestrijding –Voorbereiding en bescherming van de brandweer (nl)

Issue 12

ER3 Emergency response failures and successes (en pdf / htmlER3 Leerpunten van incidentbestrijding – Mislukte en geslaagde incidentbestrijding (nl)


Chinese edition 中文版


Selected Lessons Learned Analyses in Chinese (MAHB简报3-1_in Chinese), 用中文学习中文

Issue 13

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) on fixed sites (en pdf / htmlLeren van incidenten met vloeibaar aardgas
(LNG) op vaste locaties (nl)

Issue 14

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) (en pdf / html) (Leren van incidenten met tot vloeistof verdicht gas (LPG)(nl))

Special Issue #1

Pandemic Measures and Chemical Process Safety (en pdf / html)(疫情应对措施和化工过程安全 (中文))

Special Issue #2

Risk of oxygen fires in hospitals treating Covid-19 patients (en pdf / html
Risico op zuurstofgerelateerde branden in ziekenhuizen waar patiënten met COVID-19 worden behandeld (nl) 
Ryzyko powstania pożarów związanych z obecnością tlenu w szpitalach leczących pacjentów z Covid-19 (pl)

Issue 15

Learning from incidents involving power supply failures (en pdf / html) Leren van incidenten met storingen in de stroomvoorziening (nl)

Issue 16

Learning from incidents in warehouses (en pdf / html)

Issue 17

Learning from accidents in waste management facilities (en pdf / html)

MAHB is interested in your general feedback on the idea of releasing this bulletin. For feedback please contact:


   Accident databases and other useful references


The eMARS database (in English)
The eNatech database (in English)
The ARIA database (in French & in English)
ZEMA (in German)
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (in English)
The CCPS Process Safety Beacon (in English)
The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers Safety Zone (in English)
Tukes VARO registry of chemical accidents in Finland (in Finnish)
The Japanese Failure Knowledge Database (in Japanese & English)
The Japanese Relational Information System for Chemical Accidents Database (in Japanese & English)