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Selection of conferences and symposium series with proceedings 
that routinely include case studies of lessons learned from chemical accidents

A variety of professional events are held each year around the world that address lessons learned from accidents as a topic of particular interest. This list contains some of the more well-known and recurring events, many of whom make proceedings available online (free of charge or with payment).

If you know of another open source for chemical accident investigation reports and studies that should be added to this list, please feel free to let us know at Email:  

Link to open sources for chemical accident investigations and studies
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AICHE Annual Loss Prevention Symposium
Future events - 
Archive of proceedings:  (Available for purchase)

AIDIC CISAP Conference series
Future events - 
Archive of proceedings - (open access – free of charge)

The Italian Association of Chemical Engineers organises an international conference on safety and environment in Italy every 2 years.  Notably, all presentations are published in its open source journal Chemical Engineering Transactions in English.

European Safety, Reliability & Data Association.(ESReDA) Project seminars 
The website of upcoming seminars and archives of past seminars - 
(open access – free of charge)

For many years ESReDA has fostered exchange and research through project groups on accident analysis, safety and reliability, sharing their work and soliciting discussion through frequent seminars.

European Conference on Process Safety and Big Data
Future events -  and   
Archive of proceedings -  (Available for purchase) 

A relatively new conference series jointly organized by the European Process Safety Centre and the Center for Chemical Process Safety

IChemE Hazards Annual Symposium
The most recent Hazards Symposium -
The archive of past Hazards Symposiums - (many are free of charge, some require payment)

IMPEL Seminar on Lessons Learnt from Industrial Accidents
Future events – 
Archive of proceedings - – Search on “IMPEL” 
(open source – free of charge)

On behalf of the European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL), the French Ministry of Environment organizes a seminar on lessons learned every two years in France.  Proceedings are available to the public on the website of the ministry’s industrial accident data management service, ARIA.