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Mutual Joint Visit Workshop for Seveso Inspections

Seveso Article 14/Annex V - Information to the Public Requirements

Organised by the EC-Joint Research Centre and the Technical Working Group for Seveso Inspections (TWG 2)

10 June 2022, 09:00 – 13:00 CEST

Webinar Agenda


Moderator: Maureen Wood, EC-JRC-MAHB                                                        Co-Moderator:  Simone Wiers, SZW, The Netherlands


09:00 Welcome to the MJV
Maureen Wood, EC-JRC
09:15 Introduction to the programme
Maureen Wood, EC-JRC
09:20 Presentation of Scoping Paper (paper in pdf/html)
Mark Hailwood, State Institute for Environment Baden-Württemberg, Germany
09:40 Discussion
10:00 Coffee break
10:15 Break-out  - Round Table Session
Each participant provides a short 3-5 minute summary on how Article 14 (1) and (2) are implemented.
 *List of presentations to be updated after the webinar
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 Continuation of Round Table Session
12:30 Discussion
12:50 Wrap - up
Michael Struckl, Seveso Expert
13:00 Adjourn