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Seveso Inspection Series Tools

Common inspection criteria

Common Inspection Criteria (CIC) are intended to share knowledge about technical measures and enforcement practices related to major hazard control and implementation of the Seveso II Directive. The criteria were developed by Seveso inspectors to aid in dissemination of good enforcement and risk management practices for the control of major industrial hazards in Europe and elsewhere.

  • No. 1  Safety Instrumented Functions (en pdf / html) - Risikominderung unter Verwendung von sicherheitstechnischen Funktionen (de)
  • No. 2  Permit-to-Work (en pdf / html)
  • No. 3  Internal Audit (en pdf / html) - Interne Audit Procedures (nl)
  • No. 4  Process Hazard Analysis (en pdf / html)
  • No. 5  Management of Change (en pdf / html)
  • No. 6  Emergency Isolation Systems (en pdf / html)
  • No. 7  Process Safety Performance Monitoring (en pdf / html)
  • No. 8  Pressure Relief Systems (en pdf / html)
  • No. 9  Maintenance of Primary Containment Systems (en pdf / html)
  • No. 10 Natech Risk Management (en pdf / html)
  • No. 11 Training of Personnel (en pdf / html)
  • No. 12 Internal Emergency Planning (en pdf / html)
  • No. 13 Management of Contractors (en pdf / html)

Good Practice Reports (GPR)

Every year the EC and an EU/EEA country hosts a Mutual Joint Visit Workshop for Seveso Inspectors of EU/EEA countries to exchange experiences and practices on a particular area of risk management and enforcement.  The workshops sometimes includes guests from industryand other countries implementing the Seveso Directive or similar programmes.  The Good Practices Report is a technical summary of those exchanges and often also includes tools, such as questionnaires and checklists.

Event agendas and presentations

Agendas and public presentations from all TWG 2 events, including MJVs and webinars can be found in the "Events" category on the top menu.

TWG 2 topic exchanges  

Specific topic exchanges from TWG 2 meetings are also availabe to TWG 2 members only. These record discussions and are not intended for widespread publication, but only as a record of observations that could be useful for the EU or individual Member States in further discussions on the topic.  These can be found at the TWG 2 topic exchanges web page.

Table of publications

The table below is a mapped structure with links to all the Common Inspection Criteria (CIC) and Good Practice Reports (GPR).  Note that there are both "long GPRs" and "short GPRs" in the table below.  This reflects a decision in 2013 to shorten the MJV summaries (originally 50+ pages, thus "long GPRs") into 8 to 16 page technical briefs that could be read and understood relatively quickly ("short GPRs").  

Organisational measures Technical Measures Special substances and industries

The structure for organisational measures is based on annex III of the Seveso directive.

The preventive and mitigating strategies are defined in the CIC Process Hazard Analysis.

 The preventive and mitigating strategies applicable to specific substances and industrial processes

Safety Management Systems

Organisation and personnel

Identification and evaluation of major accident hazards

Operational control

  • Operational instructions
  • Inspection and maintenance
  • Loading and unloading

Management of change

Planning for emergencies

Monitoring performance

Audit and review

Safety reports


Preventive strategies

Controlling process upsets

Controlling degradation of primary containment systems and critical infrastructure

Mitigating strategies

Limiting the size of an accidental release

Control of spreading of substances accidentally released

  • Secondary containment

Prevention of ignition of explosive atmospheres

Mitigation damage due to fire

  • Protection of process installations against fire
  • Fire protection of process buildings

Mitigation damage due to explosion

  • Protection of buildings against explosions
  • Explosion ventilation

Mitigation of damage due to toxic release

  • Manipulations involving toxic substances
  • Evacuation and sheltering for toxic emissions

 Explosives and pyrotechnics

Industrial parks

Oil and gas facilities

Comparison between different types of sites