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EU Technical Working Group for Seveso Inspections (TWG 2) and OECD Working Party on Chemical Accidents

Hydrogen Fuel Risks Webinar Part 4

Organised by the EC-Joint Research Centre with the TWG 2 and OECD
11 March 2025, 09:00– 13:30 CEST

The webinar will be open for participation at 08:30 for those who may need more time to set up access.
If you have a question, please pose it in the Chat.
Moderator: Maureen Wood, EC-JRC-MAHB Co-Moderator: Marie-Ange Baucher, OECD
Introductory Session
Welcome to the Webinar
Maureen Wood, EC-JRC and Eeva Leinala, OECD
Introduction to the Programme
Maureen Wood, EC-JRC
Session 1
09:05 Need for closer cooperation between policy, industry and safety experts on ammonia and other hydrogen fuels   Ruta Baltause, EC DG ENER
  Discussion: If you would like to ask a question or comment, please use the Webex chat.
Presenters should ideally plan for 20-25 minute presentations leaving time for discussion
Session 2
Ammonia risks in the hydrogen fuel context   Lorenzo Van Wijk, EC-JRC-MAHB
10:00 Safe Ammonia handling – Challenges & Opportunities   Laurent Ruhlmann, Yara
10:20 Design principles for NH3 Fully Refrigerated Large Quantity Storage   Michel J Ruttens, Advario
10:40 PGS 12 Ammonia, New BAT document on ammonia storage in the Netherlands, Part 1   Jochem Langeveld, DCMR Environmental Service Rijnmond
11:00 Coffee break
PGS 12 Ammonia, New BAT document on ammonia storage in the Netherlands, Part 2   Jochem Langeveld, DCMR Environmental Service Rijnmond
11:20 Challenges and risks of ammonia storage in confined and geographically remote industrial precincts – an Australian perspective   Dannae Campbell, WorkSafe
Paul Newell, WorkSafe, Queensland
Steve Emery, WorkSafe, Western Australia
  Discussion: If you would like to ask a question or comment, please use the Webex chat.
Presenters should ideally plan for 20-25 minute presentations leaving time for discussion
Session 3
12:00 Decarbonized but Not De-Risked: The Case of Green Ammonia   Paolo Mocellin, University of Padua
12:20 Summary of research activities on ammonia safety at HSE   Simon Gant, Health and Safety Executive, UK
12:40 Fog formation and water-ammonia interactions: key physical mechanisms affecting ammonia risks   Hans Langva Skarsvåg, SINTEF, Norway
  Discussion: If you would like to ask a question or comment, please use the Webex chat.
Presenters should ideally plan for 20-25 minute presentations leaving time for discussion
End of webinar