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Technical Working Group on Seveso Inspections (TWG 2)
Meeting Agenda
25-27 September, Budapest, Hungary

Wednesday, 25 September  2019     

Afternoon Session
S. Wiers, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment




1. Welcome (Hungarian authority)


2. Opening Business (Chairman)

  • Introduction of new members of TWG 2 and Steering Committee

•       Overview of the agenda

•       Amendments to September 2018 meeting notes (if any)

•       Action items from last meeting

•       TWG 2 funding and strategy issues for 2019-2020 planning cycle

•       TWG 2 Meeting 2020– Location and time

•       TWG 2 Meeting Tool Kit – Any suggestions to improve?


3.  Mutual Joint Visit (MJV) Programme (M. Wood, JRC)

•       Feedback from MJV Workshop in Malta (Risk managing and enforcement in ageing hazardous installations) 

•       Future of the MJV Programme – Follow-up on  volunteers to host MJV
Malta – 2019, Croatia – 2020Italy – 2021?, Denmark, Slovenia, New volunteers?

Volunteers for MJV Group

•       Topic and Technical Advisory Group for 2020 MJV

•       Review of MJV Priority Topics (see attached)

•       Updates to MJV Toolkit – Any suggestions to improve tool kit, MJV programme?

•       Update on publication of MJV good practice reports

•       Future MJV good practice reports – Any suggestions to improve?


Coffee break


4. Common Inspection Criteria  -

·      Feedback on the CIC Development Process

·      Development of new CICs (procedure overview)

·      CIC outline and development tips – Any suggestions to improve?

·      Finalised CICs – Any suggestions to improve website?


5. CICs in development

The CIC leader will describe the status of the CICs that are currently in development or have recently been finalised.

·         Maintenance of primary containment systems – Request for suggestions of questions and tips (M. Wood for C. Cowley)

·         Internal emergency planning (M. Wood/P.Vansina)

·         Natech risk (A. Necci, JRC)

·         Training of personnel (P. Vansina, Belgium and R. Czapla, Poland)


6. CICs in 2020

·         Presentation of CIC Mapping Structure, including suggestion to include industry sectors– Any other suggestions to improve? (M. Wood , JRC)

·         Discussion of possible topics to begin in 2020 and request for volunteers to lead





Thursday, 26 September 2016

Thursday morning session

Chair:  P. Vansina, Federal Public Service Employment, Belgium


7. New CICs – presentation of proposed outlines – to be confirmed

·         Power supply utilities and black-outs (S. Wiers, The Netherlands)

·         Subcontractors (V. Henden Nilssen, Norway)

·         Instructions for the Breakout Sessions

       TWG 2 participants will be assigned to Group 1, 2 or 3 after registration, but you may request to be in a specific group if you wish (please notify M. Wood at registration).   Each group member should prepare input and questions for the group discussion.


8. Break-out sessions on common inspection criteria (CIC) Questions

The first morning session will be dedicated to discussion in 3 break-out groups on common inspection criteria for the following SMS topics:  (to be confirmed)

·         Power supply utilities and black-outs (Group 1)

·         Subcontractors (Group 3)


Coffee Break


9.     Plenary Session on Results of Break-out Sessions


Adjourn for Lunch


Thursday afternoon Session
S. Wiers, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

13 :30

10.   Accidents involving pipelines

·         Inspection campaign following the Ghislenghien pipeline accident, Belgium, 2006 (P. Vansina, Belgium)

·         Risk management and enforcement of dangerous goods pipelines in Hungary (I. Domjan, Hungary) 
These presentations will be followed by discussion and exchange of experience among the TWG.


Coffee break



11.   Maintenance practices at Seveso sites

·         The most significant findings on maintenance system inspections (deficiencies and best practices) (i. Domján, Hungary)

·         Lessons learned from inspection of maintenance practices (P. Vansina, Belgium)
          Case Study 1:  Massive gas leak due to galvanic corrosion
          Case Study 2:  C2H2 leak due to rupture of corroded ¾” small bore vent


12.   Norwegian land-use planning and guidelines for QRA (V. Nilssen/ J. Johannessen Norway)

Link to the guidance in English


Adjourn for the day


Friday, 27 September 2018

Friday morning session
P. Vansina, Federal Public Service Employment, Belgium


13.   SEG seminar on biogas, LNG and underground gas storage sites in Sibiu, Romania, May 2019 (F. Senzaconi, Romania)

·         Summary of seminar outcome 

·         Results of survey of EU/EEA MS of underground gas storage sites for SEG seminar in Sibiu, Romania, May 2019

·         Seminar description


14.   Hydrogen accident case study (V. Nilssen/ J. Johannessen Norway)


Coffee break


15.   Cybersecurity (Discussion launched by S. Wiers, Netherlands)


16.   Lessons learned analysis by inspectors

·         Presentation of issue (Z. Machatova, Czech Republic)

·         Short summary of JRC Accident Analysis Benchmarking Exercise (M. Wood, JRC)


·         Additional business and meeting summary

·         The use of the Seveso systematic appraisal option in inspectorates

·         Any other business

•       Summary of Meeting Results and Action Items

•       Location of next TWG 2 Meeting


Adjournment of meeting