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Brainstorming Workshop on a Capacity Building Strategy
Seveso Programme Implementation
in EU Neighbour Countries

Ispra, Italy                        26-27 March 2015

This workshop aims to capture the experiences and knowledge of a variety of experts with experience in capacity building activities (e.g., training or project work) for improving chemical accident prevention in developing countries.  It is held in the frame of  activities of the JRC project, Seveso Capacity Building in EU Neighbour Countries, on behalf of the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Directorate General (DG ECHO) in support to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism 2014-2020.  The workshop will include an exchange of experience and knowledge from working in chemical accident prevention in government or industry in EU Neighbour Countries to the East (Armenia, Azerbaijian, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and to the South (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, and Tunisia).   Participants include international organisations,  inspectors (or former inspectors) and government programme managers, industry experts and  representatives of countries that have participated in EU and other international capacity building programmes in the past.  

The goal of the workshop is to obtain feedback from participants to improve the strategy and methdology for capacity buillding in EU Neighbour Countries that will be implemented in the project.  In order to achieve this goal, the following objectives were established:

  • Confirm and refine our methodology for helping emerging economies build capacity for reducing chemical accident risk
    • Highlight most common failure and success factors for capacity building on chemical accident prevention.  What are often the biggest challenges?  Is there any commonality in terms of opportunity, points of departure that have more chance of success?
  • Examine capacity building challenges and opportunities from a vertical perspective
    • Where possible, obtain insight on strengths and weakness of chemical accident prevention in the different Neighbour Countries from both a government and industry perspective
    • Where possible, outline expectations as to priorities and possible points of departure for capacity building in the different Neighbour Countries
    • Identify potential opportunities for regional or multi-country approaches to address common needs, e.g., technical training, special projects, harmonising approaches, etc.
  • Examine capacity building challenges and opportunities from a horizontal perspective
    • Identify typical commonalities in terms of support needs
    • Identify priorities for development of analytical and infrastructure tools (e.g., for risk analysis, for accident reporting, establishment mapping, etc.)
    • Identify practical issues that may have to be addressed or if addressed, could greatly increase chances of success (i.e., translation of documents)
    • Identify synergies with other tools and projects (offered or managed by other organisations) that may enhance specific capacity building objectives.
    • Anticipating common needs and priorities for development of analytical and infrastructure tools

The agenda and presentations can be found using the links below.

Workshop materials