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Go to the Hydrogen Fuel Risks Webinar main page, or to: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4

Final report (pdf)

EU Technical Working Group for Seveso Inspections (TWG 2) and OECD Working Party on Chemical Accidents

Hydrogen Fuel Risks Webinar Part 2

Organised by the EC-Joint Research Centre with the TWG 2 and OECD
14 February 2024, 09:00 – 13:15 CEST

The webinar will be open for participation at 08:30 for those who may need more time to set up access.
If you have a question, please pose it in the Chat.

The webinar presentations will seek to address one or more of the following issues associated with potential hydrogen fuel uses in future:

  • Uncertainties (e.g., about number of new sites, technologies, locations, etc.)
  • Uncertainties about technical and economic feasibility of new use cases
  • Standards and regulations – Solutions and challenges
  • Implications for permitting and other oversight components (e.g., land-use planning, inspection)
  • New demands on risk assessment, modelling and accident scenarios
  • Guidance and good practice
Moderator: Maureen Wood, EC-JRC-MAHB Co-Moderator: Marie-Ange Baucher, OECD
Introductory Session
Welcome to the Webinar
Maureen Wood, EC-JRC
Introduction to the Programme
Maureen Wood, EC-JRC
JRC Summary of Webinar 1
Maureen Wood, EC-JRC
Session 1
09:20 Origins of the current regulation on HRS in France, challenges regarding its evolution Bruno Debray, INERIS, France
09:50 Hydrogen infrastructure in the UK: regulatory challenges and scientific knowledge gaps Simon Gant and Rachel McCann, Health and Safety Executive, United Kingdom
10:10 Hydrogen projects in Flanders: Situation and risk assessment at the moment Bruno Reiners, Flemish Environment Authority
Discussion: If you would like to ask a question or comment, please use the Webex chat.
Comments from representatives of EU and OECD countries not represented in the presentations are very welcome!
Coffee break
Session 2
Safety related questions Mareike Strub, Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Germany
11:25 Findings of an inspection campaign on storage and unloading facilities for hydrogen Martine Mortier, FPS Employment, Belgium
11:45 Land-use planning in Germany for a hydrogen plant Mark Hailwood, State Institute for Environment, Baden-Württemberg (LUBW), Germany
12:05 Finnish guidance & modelling challenges Sanna Pietikäinen, TUKES, Finland
12:25 Hydrogen as an energy carrier: transport in methane mixtures Romualdo Marrazzo, Environment Agency (ISPRA), Italy
If you would like to ask a question or comment, please use the Webex chat

Speakers and members of the HFR Technical Advisory Group will be invited to reflect on the following questions:

  • What do we think will be the technology issues to monitor most in terms of industrial risk?  Are there some situations that are more likely than others?
  • What areas of policy might be high priorities for review and realignment?
  • What could be the contribution of existing experts in industry to help reduce risks associated with new hydrogen fuel use cases?
  • What other topics could be exchanged in the framework of this EU + OECD ad hoc expert to help identify priorities for government, industry and international organisations?
End of webinar