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Technical Working Group on Seveso Inspections (TWG 2)

Preliminary Meeting Agenda – v4v (Final)

12-14 June 2024, Graz, Austria


Wednesday, 12 June 2024


Lunch - Hotel “Das Weitzer (meeting venue)


Afternoon Session
S. Wiers, Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, The Netherlands



1.     Welcome (Austrian authority)



Opening Business (Chairperson)

§  Introduction of new members of TWG 2 and Steering Committee, TWG 2 Representatives 2024(Chair)

•       TWG 2 Terms of Reference (M. Wood)

§  Overview of the agenda (Chair)

§  Amendments to September 2022 meeting notes (if any) (Chair)

•       Action items from last meeting (M. Wood)

•       TWG 2 funding and strategy issues for 2023-2024 planning cycle (M. Wood)

§  TWG 2 Meeting 2024, 2025 and 2026– Location and time (Chair)

•       (Updated) TWG 2 Meeting Tool Kit – Suggestions for improvement (M. Wood/Suggestions from participants)

·         TWG 2 website updates and improvements (M. Wood/Suggestions from participants)



2.     Mutual Joint Visit (MJV) Programme

•       MJV Portugal 2023 (M. Wood)

•       MJV Italy 2024 (F. Vazzana and M. Wood)

•       MJV Slovenia 2025 (M. Wood)

•       Technical Advisory Group for 2025 MJV Slovenia (M. Wood)

•       Future of the MJV Programme – Volunteers to host MJVs 2026 and 2027 (Chair)
New volunteers?

•       Review of MJV Priority Topics (see attached) (Chair)

•       Review of the Mapping Structure of the Seveso Inspection Publication Series (Chair)

•       Updates to MJV Toolkit – Improvements to tool kit, MJV programme? (M. Wood/Suggestions from participants)

•       Update on publication of MJV good practice reports (M. Wood)

•       MJV Info to the Public - 2022

•       MJV Lower Tier Sites – 2023

•       Other unpublished reports

•       Future MJV good practice reports – Any suggestions to improve? (M. Wood)



Coffee break



3.     TWG 2 Webinars

·         Webinar 2022:  Good Practice Report – The Role of Authorities in Promoting Lessons Learned  (M. Wood, JRC)

·         Update on EU+OECD Hydrogen Fuel Risk Webinar Series


4.     Feedback on the CIC Development Process

·      Development of new CICs (procedure overview)

·      CIC outline and development tips – Any suggestions to improve? (Includes suggestion to make checklist questions more visible in the .pdf and on html websites)

·         Suggestion to consider Human Factors in each CIC

·         Make checklist questions more visible

·      Finalised CICs – Any suggestions to improve website?



5.     CICs recently completed and in development

The CIC leader will describe the status of the CICs that are currently in development or have recently been finalised

·         Maintenance of primary containment systems (Published) – Request for additional suggestions of questions and tips (M. Wood)

·         Subcontractors (Published)

·         Avoiding External Ignition Sources (Published)

·         Maintenance of secondary containment systems (F. Vazzana and M. Wood)

·         Evacuation and sheltering for toxic emissions (M. Wood)



6.     CICs in future

·         List of future topics

Please reflect on topics that would be interesting for your inspectorate and/or where you could make a contribution.  We will collect priorities for CIC topics from each of you in a separate email.

·         Discussion of possible topics to begin in 2024 and volunteers to lead them

·         Pre-startup safety review – (F. Vazzana)



7.     CIC Topics in progress

·         Power supply utilities and black-outs (S. Wiers and K. Koutelos)

·         Incident investigation practices (M. Wood)



    8.     Country reports 1

·         Enforcement case – (S. Wiers)

·         Lessons learned from incident at explosive disarmament site – (F. Vazzana)






Thursday, 13 June 2024

Thursday morning session

Chair:  E. Simon, Government of Steiermark, Austria


9.     New CIC – presentation of proposed outline – Topic 1

Topic 1.        Underground Gas Storage (F. Senzaconi)


10.   Break-out on common inspection criteria (CIC) (Divided in 2 groups)

·         Underground Gas Storage


Coffee Break


11.   Summary of break-out sessions on Underground Gas Storage

·         Plenary session reports from Group 1 and 2


12.   A Human Factors Framework for Inspectors

·         Outline of proposed framework – (C. Cowley)


Adjourn for Lunch



Thursday afternoon Session
S. Wiers, Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, The Netherlands


13.   Break-out session – 2 Groups

·         Human Factors Framework for Inspectors

Plus 15 minutes to write presentation


14.   Summary of Break-out on Human Factors Framework for Inspectors

·         Plenary session reports from Group 1 and 2


Coffee break


15.   New CIC – presentation of proposed outline – Topic 2

Topic 2Warehouse risk management (K. Koutelos,  P. Vansina and F. Vazzana)

·         Lessons learned study of incidents in warehouses (K. Koutelos)

·         The Belgian inspection tool for warehouses (P. Vansina)


16.   Break-out on common inspection criteria (CIC) (Divided in 2 groups)

·         Warehouse risk management  

Plus 15 minutes to write presentation


Adjourn for the day                                                   



Friday, 14 June 2024

Friday morning session
E. Simon, Government of Steiermark, Austria


17.   Summary of Break-out Sessions on Warehouse risk management

·         Plenary session reports from Group 1 and 2


18.   Country reports 2

·         Coordinated inspections of Seveso facilities in the Republic of Croatia– (B. Fuk)

·         Process safety management system study (Veikko Kujala by virtual connection)

·         Survey of permitting practices (Tanja Heinimaa)


Coffee break


19.   Any other business

•       Summary of Meeting Results and Action Items

•       Location of next TWG 2 Meeting


Adjournment of meeting