The Mutual Joint Visit Programme for Seveso Inspections
The inspection function has always been considered one of the most powerful and dynamic tools available to Member State authorities for enforcement of the Seveso Directive. For this reason, the European Commission along with competent authorities responsible for Seveso II implementation have long held this area as a priority for EU level technical cooperation. There is a strongly shared commitment to continuing to work together to increase the effectiveness of inspection practices and to ensure a consistent approach with respect to interpreting Seveso requirements through inspections across the Member States.
In particular, a primary vehicle for exchange at EU level is the Mutual Joint Visit (MJV) Programme for Seveso Inspections. Launched in 1999, the European Commission’s MJV Programme is intended to serve as a vehicle for promoting technical exchange among EU Member State, Candidate and EEA1 Seveso inspectors. The aim of the programme is to encourage the sharing and adoption of best practices for inspections through a system of regular information exchange. The visits are hosted by different Seveso implementing countries (hence visits would be “mutual”) and targeted for working inspectors of other Seveso countries (and thereby “joint” visits) charged with assessing compliance with the Seveso Directive in industrial installations. The MJV Programme is managed by the JRC's Major Accident Hazards Bureau in consultation with the TWG on Seveso Inspections.
Since 2005 the MJV programme has encouraged visits focusing on topics of specific interest for Seveso inspections as identified by the Technical Working Group. The conclusions and observations of inspectors participating in these workshops are published as part of the Seveso Inspections Series. Presentations and/or publications from the 8 Mutual Joint Visit Workshops on special topics can be found using the links following this paragraph. Where the final MJV document has been published, an additional link to workshop presentations is not provided.
Would your country like to host an MJV?
Host countries needed for 2020 and beyond!
As host country, you organise the workshop venue, including meeting location (with break-out session rooms) and hotels. Social events are optional:
The logistics costs are minimal and for this investment you obtain these advantages:
- MJV Workshop on a topic of interest for your country. You can lead or simply be a participant in the Technical Advisory Group that develops the agenda.
- Opportunity for a range of competent authority staff from your country to participate in a Seveso inspections workshop.
- A chance for your Seveso colleagues in other countries to appreciate your country and your contribution to preventing chemical accidents and their consequences.
You can find more information in our MJV Toolkit!
List of MJV Events
External Emergency Planning - Coordination between authorities (2024)
Seveso Inspections on Risk management and enforcement on lower tier sites (2023)
Seveso Article 14/Annex V - Information to the Public Requirements (2022)
Risk management and enforcement on ageing hazardous sites (Malta, 2019)
Safety Performance Indicators (Austria, 2018)
Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Liquefied Natural Gas Sites (Cyprus, 2017)
Good Practice Report
Explosive and Pyrotechnic Sites (Norway, 2016)
Good Practice Report
Safety Culture, Leadership and Enforcement (The Netherlands, 2015)
Safety Management Systems on Multinational Company Sites (Italy, 2014)
Learning from Accidents (Sweden, 2013) (Summary to be published in 2015))
Emergency Response Planning on Seveso Sites (Ireland, 2012) (Summary to be published in 2015)
The Role of Safety Reports in Major Accidents (Finland, 2011)
Assessing and Evaluating Safety Management Systems (Germany, 2010)
Hazard Risk Management in Industrial Parks and Domino Effect Establishments (Norway, 2009)
Improving Major Hazard Control at Petroleum Refineries (United Kingdom, 2006)
Enforcement of Seveso II: An Analysis of Compliance Drivers and Barriers in Five Industrial Sectors (The Netherlands, 2006)
Necessary Measures for Preventing Major Accidents at Petroleum Storage Depots (Belgium, 2005)
1European Economic Area countries, Norway and Iceland, implement the Seveso Directive.