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ARIA (France)
A database operated by the French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development listing the accidental events which have, or could have damaged health or public safety, agriculture, nature or the environment. Chemical accidents are reported that meet established criteria.

CSC (Korea) Chemistry Safety Clearinghouse
Chemical accident and near miss data notified to authorities according to Korean law

Accidents reported to the European Commission in compliance with Seveso Directive Annex VI criteria.

Energy Institute Toolbox
Database of accidents in upstream and downstream petroleum sectors. Provides analysis of sequence of events, response, causes and lessons learned.

Failure Knowledge Database
Database of accidents in several industries including chemical and petroleum sectors. Provides detailed structured analysis of sequence of events, response, causes and lessons learned. The contributor factors are also mapped in a scenarios diagramme.

IChemE Safety Centre
Summaries of well-known chemical accidents on fixed sites. For each incident, there is a description, incident analysis and lessons learned.

IOGP Safety Performance Indicators and Process Safety Events (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers-IOGP)
Accident data reported by IOGP participating member companies

Process Safety Incident Database (PSID)
Process safety incidents reported by member companies of the AICHE Center for Chemical Process Safety

ProcessNet (German industry) [en], [de]
Hazardous incidents in process engineering facilities managed jointly by DECHEMA and VCI

RISCAD (Japan) Relational Information System for Chemical Accidents Database
Operated by the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

UEMS (Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites) database
Unplanned explosions occurring at munitions sites, including production and storage, since 1979

Work Accident Map (China) China Labour Bulletin
Work accidents collected from the media and other sources by the China Labour Bulletin

ZEMA (Germany)
Database managed by the German Federal Environment Agency of hazardous incidents and incidents in process engineering facilities.

Investigation reports

ARIA (France) Hosts the ARIA databases of industrial accidents but also contains many in-depth reports of those accidents including chemical accidents.

Dutch Safety Board
The Dutch Safety Board investigates into the causes of disasters and accidents, including industrial disasters.

EC-JRC Lessons Learned Bulletin
A summary of lessons learned from accidents based on a thematic topic.

IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin
The IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin (LPB) is a leading source of process safety case studies from 40 years of publication.

United Kingdom COMAH Competent Authority
The COMAH Competent Authority undertakes investigations as a result of an incident or complaint at a COMAH establishment.

U.K.  Health and Safety Executive Safety Bulletins
The UK HSE issues safety bulletins to communicate major faults that would result in a serious or fatal injury and where immediate remedial action is required. Many of these are derived from achemical incident occurrence.

UK Health and Safety Executive accident reports
By arrangement with HSE a selection of old or out-of-print accident reports are available through the IChemE.

U.S. Chemical Safety Board
The CSB is an independent federal agency charged with investigating industrial chemical accidents.

U.S. National Transportation Safety Board
The NTSB investigations include accidents in transportations and pipelines carrying dangerous goods.

UEMS (Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites) database
Hosts a database of unplanned explosions occurring at munitions sites, including production and storage but also a list of publications associated with munitions explosions, including accident studies, on its website.

Finnish Safety Investigation Authority
The Safety Investigation Authority investigates all major accidents regardless of their nature as well as all aviation, maritime and rail accidents and their incidents.

Japanese Failure Knowledge Database
The Japanese Institute for the Advancement of Technology hosts the Failure Knowledge Database, a collection of case studies covering 16 industries, including the Petrochemical and the Chemical industries.  There are 100 cases presented for each industry.

Swedish Accident Investigation Authority
The SHK is a government authority which investigates accidents and incidents with the aim of improving safety, including accidents involving dangerous substances.

Swiss Transportation Safety Board
The STSB investigates accidents and dangerous incidents involving trains, aircraft, inland navigation ships, and seagoing vessels.

Transportation Safety Board of Canada
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) is an independent agency that advances transportation safety by investigating occurrences in the marine, pipeline, rail and air modes of transportation, including incidents involving dangerous goods.

Conferences and symposiums

AICHE Annual Loss Prevention Symposium
Future events - 
Archive of proceedings:  (Available for purchase)

AIDIC CISAP Conference series
Future events - 
Archive of proceedings - (open access – free of charge)

The Italian Association of Chemical Engineers organises an international conference on safety and environment in Italy every 2 years.  Notably, all presentations are published in its open source journal Chemical Engineering Transactions in English.

European Safety, Reliability & Data Association.(ESReDA) Project seminars 
The website of upcoming seminars and archives of past seminars - 
(open access – free of charge)

For many years ESReDA has fostered exchange and research through project groups on accident analysis, safety and reliability, sharing their work and soliciting discussion through frequent seminars.

European Conference on Process Safety and Big Data
Future events -  and   
Archive of proceedings -  (Available for purchase) 

A relatively new conference series jointly organized by the European Process Safety Centre and the Center for Chemical Process Safety

IChemE Hazards Annual Symposium
The most recent Hazards Symposium -
The archive of past Hazards Symposiums -  (many are free of charge, some require payment)

IMPEL Seminar on Lessons Learnt from Industrial Accidents
Future events – 
Archive of proceedings - – Search on “IMPEL” 
(open source – free of charge)

On behalf of the European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL), the French Ministry of Environment organizes a seminar on lessons learned every two years in France.  Proceedings are available to the public on the website of the ministry’s industrial accident data management service, ARIA.