Registration and Seminar Fee
For the 53rd ESReDA seminar, there are two types of registrations that need to be carried out by the participants until 15 October 2017:
- ESReDA registration: linked to seminar fee, bank details and waiver conditions.
- European Commission Joint Research Centre registration: linked to local venue-related aspects:
- as the venue is in the premises of a European Commission location, there are strict security protocols that need to be followed by seminar participants;
- for local organisation purposes linked to transportation and accommodation bookings.
ESReDA registration
All participants will need to register using this registration form, which can be accessed by clicking here or this icon:
Please fill in all the information required and send it to:
N.B. All information related to the venue and local seminar organisation can be found the "European Commission Joint Research Centre registration" section below.
The fees for registration are 300 €. Fees are to be paid by bank transfer to ESReDA
Holder: ESReDA
Bank: BNP Paribas Fortis Bank, Boulevard Jamar 1 D, 1060 Bruxelles, Belgium
IBAN: BE69 0012 3728 1678
Subject: Registration to the 53rd ESReDA Seminar
Fee waiver
- One speaker per accepted paper may participate without paying seminar fees.
- Seminar fees for ESReDA members (maximum of three people per organization) are waived.
European Commission Joint Research Centre registration registration
All participants will need register at this webpage:
in order to enter the European Commission premises in Ispra, ITALY.
The Joint Research Centre is a secure site. You must register in order to be issued an entry pass.
We remind you that to prepare entry passes for non-EU citizens, we must receive a scan copy of passport (under 1MB), the list of countries visited in the past 12 months (with the reason why: Work/Leisure/Family/Other) and if you have ever visited a JRC site (if yes, which ones and when). Without these details, we will not be otherwise able to issue entry passes.
For information, the Joint Research Centre has pre-booked three hotels not far from the venue:
Note: There is no need for participants to book directly with the hotel. The JRC will provide the hotels with the names of the participants who have registered via the European Commission. The participants must settle the bill on their way out.
Buses will be organised by the Joint Research Centre to take the participants between airport, hotel and venue – transfers will be guaranteed on condition that participants stay in the pre-selected hotels and confirm arrival and departure times upon registration. Note that until the deadline is reached, registrations can always be updated.
Room 01, Amphitheatre, Building 36
European Commission Joint Research Centre
Via Enrico Fermi 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA)